中文名(CN) 晚霞
外文名(FLN) Afterglow
编号(SN) Schick 344-4
培育者(Breeder) Bob Schick
系列(Series) 席克氏
花径(Diam) 13 cm
花色(Color) 复色
Flower fragrant, to 5 inches (13 cm) across. Inner petals nearly orbicular, bicolored magenta and bright orange. Outer petals paler orange. Throat-circle white. Anthers large and puffy, filaments dark orange. Stigma green. Flowers fragrant. Stem to 4 ½ inches (12 cm) in diameter; central spines to 1-1/8 inches (30 mm) long. ISI 97-1; HBG 80587, Schick 344-4.
很经典的复色品种,BEX104 埃及艳后的父本,是不是长得很像?
外文名(FLN) Afterglow
编号(SN) Schick 344-4
培育者(Breeder) Bob Schick
系列(Series) 席克氏
花径(Diam) 13 cm
花色(Color) 复色
Flower fragrant, to 5 inches (13 cm) across. Inner petals nearly orbicular, bicolored magenta and bright orange. Outer petals paler orange. Throat-circle white. Anthers large and puffy, filaments dark orange. Stigma green. Flowers fragrant. Stem to 4 ½ inches (12 cm) in diameter; central spines to 1-1/8 inches (30 mm) long. ISI 97-1; HBG 80587, Schick 344-4.
很经典的复色品种,BEX104 埃及艳后的父本,是不是长得很像?
花相册 (32)

