中文名(CN) 唐璜
外文名(FLN) Don Juan
编号(SN) Schick 936-2
培育时间(Time) 1997
培育者(Breeder) B.Schick
系列(Series) 席克氏
花径(Diam) 13 cm
花色(Color) 深红
Flower star-like, to 4 ¾ inches (12 cm) across. Petals lanceolate, bicolored deep purple with a deep red base and midrib, outer petals and sepals projecting beyond inners, largely red. Throat-circle pale orange. Filaments dark waxy red or purplish. Stigma light green. Stem semicolumnar, to 3 ½ inches (9 cm) in diameter; central spines to 5/8 inch (17 mm) long. ISI 97-9; HBG 80595, Schick 936-2.
外文名(FLN) Don Juan
编号(SN) Schick 936-2
培育时间(Time) 1997
培育者(Breeder) B.Schick
系列(Series) 席克氏
花径(Diam) 13 cm
花色(Color) 深红
Flower star-like, to 4 ¾ inches (12 cm) across. Petals lanceolate, bicolored deep purple with a deep red base and midrib, outer petals and sepals projecting beyond inners, largely red. Throat-circle pale orange. Filaments dark waxy red or purplish. Stigma light green. Stem semicolumnar, to 3 ½ inches (9 cm) in diameter; central spines to 5/8 inch (17 mm) long. ISI 97-9; HBG 80595, Schick 936-2.
花相册 (22)

