Camille comes and goes as she pleases, so it's fair to say that once winter comes, she'll take quite a long nap. Pause watering for her once her leaves all fall off in the winter.
Camille loves the shade, like any good pink vamp, and very showy. She's pretty chill, but requires lots of humidity and water. That's why her skin is so translucent! Fertilize her with a slow release fertilizer with a low middle number, or low and equal all around.
Camille loves the shade, like any good pink vamp, and very showy. She's pretty chill, but requires lots of humidity and water. That's why her skin is so translucent! Fertilize her with a slow release fertilizer with a low middle number, or low and equal all around.
花相册 (1)

Hong Lam

This is my first growing diary.