花相册 (74)

Lucky Coyote

All of my variety pots have been combined into one beautiful garden ❤

Lucky Coyote

again with my roommate freaking watering my stuff with flower fertilizer 😠 had to transplant the lovely aeonium due to overwatering. How do you get someone to understand that they need to be misted only??? I'm desperate here, he's killing off my succulents left and right 😭

Lucky Coyote

added some babies tears and some other little starts 😆

Lucky Coyote

sone better shots of the new variety pot

Lucky Coyote

This is the transplanted transplant pot :/ it looks so generic now

Lucky Coyote

I'm actually really really mad, this was the original transplant pot, but it broke and spilled :/

Lucky Coyote

here's how the pots are moved so far

Lucky Coyote

today on variety pot hour: a transplant is planned for a majority of these babies :/ hopefully my new soil mix will help them out

Lucky Coyote

My other aloe is about to bloom :D anyone have an idea of what species it is?

Lucky Coyote

Here's the newest additions to my variety pots, my bro from California sent me two aloe veras and a yellow edged agave ❤️ I found the gourd (already hollowed out and broken) on one of my walks, then I got some litle babies from my love. I'm not sure that the bushy one in the gourd is, it's quite common in the Portland area and it makes for some lush, full ground cover :D